10 de febrero, 2021 - 22:49

Paga lo que quieras desde 1 euro y consigue todos estos ebooks. Abraza a tu emprendedor interior. Obtén libros electrónicos con guías prácticas para cualquiera que cree o diseñe proyectos. ¡No te pierdas el paquete más nuevo de Humble Bundle!


  • 101 Weird Ways to Make Money: Cricket Farming, Repossessing Cars, and Other Jobs With Big Upside and Not Much Competition
  • Average Joe: Be the Silicon Valley Tech Genius
  • Be a Startup Superstar: Ignite Your Career Working at a Tech Startup
  • Brewing Up a Business: Adventures in Beer from the Founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
  • Clients First: The Two Word Miracle
  • Conquer the Chaos: How to Grow a Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy
  • Home-Based Business For Dummies
  • Outthink the Competition: How a New Generation of Strategists Sees Options Others Ignore
  • Starting a Tech Business: A Practical Guide for Anyone Creating or Designing Applications or Software
  • Startup Life: Surviving and Thriving in a Relationship with an Entrepreneur
  • The Art of Startup Fundraising: Pitching Investors, Negotiating the Deal, and Everything Else Entrepreneurs Need to Know
  • The Food Truck Handbook: Start, Grow, and Succeed in the Mobile Food Business
  • The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online
  • The Most Successful Small Business in The World: The Ten Principles
  • The Non Nonprofit: For-Profit Thinking for Nonprofit Success
  • The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
  • Think Bigger: And 39 Other Winning Strategies from Successful Entrepreneurs
  • Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist


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